So, I am getting back in the swing of things on campus, and my classes are steady moving along. While leaving the bookstore today, I was blitzkrieged (a super fun word don't you think) with a cacophony of voices. The Consuming Fire Fellowship preachers were at it again. There were 6 or 7 of them with their hellfire and brimstone sandwich boards, and of course the young ones giving out the tracks. In all reality, I couldn't care less what they say, because the way they are presenting it makes what they say of little to no value. I asked my friend what he thought of it when I got to class, and he said that he would give no credence to what they say, simply because of how they say it. People don't gather to listen and learn, but for the sheer entertainment value. People wait to hear someone get in a yelling match, or blast loud music, or spit on them, not because they are seriously concerned for their souls. If it turns me off to modern Christianity, then I can't even imagine what it does to the hundreds of other people who listen. Example: As I was walking away, someone came up yelling back at them " Yeah! I know your Christians by the fact that I can hear your NOISE from halfway across campus!"
What happened to "They will know you are Christians by your LOVE for one another!"
They are supposed to be coming bi-weekly, so I may get to talk to one of them at some point. That is, if I can get one of them to stop yelling at me long enough to do the "good person test" The irony of it is, that on the Consuming fire website there is an open letter to Healing Place Church explaining why they were bashing them at some other street preaching event; and who else would happen to be on campus today passing out tracks and bottled water ( last week it was packs of gum) but Healing Place Church! I found it amusing!
Here is a video clip of their annual open air conference at LSU (there are 4 videos of this kind, this is just a sample):
A few quotes from these videos which are shockingly enough not taken too far out of context since they are so random:
- You're ignoramuses! (2:47)
- You're bible illiterates! (3:05)
- Behold-Exhibit A! --at this point a student held up a sign that said "He worships BAMA! (as in Alabama, one of LSU's major rivals)" (6:00)
- Can I get an "Amen!" for Exhibit A!?!?! - loud whooping followed (6:10)
A few quotes from the subsequent videos:
- "Turn'up your nose! Stiffen your neck! Rebel against the Lord Jesus Christ!" said with all the flair of a classic southern baptist preacher
Aside from that, I have decided to collect all the tracks that I receive in my time at LSU, and eventually scrapbook them. But in return, I will see how many I can give out.