Friday, August 31, 2007

Nobody noticed our new blogger!!!!

I dropped Chem 1201 sec. 003.

No, I am not going crazy!! I didn't really like the teacher. But so you don't think I am totally backslidden(sp?-is it even a word?), I will tell you the other half of my news. I am taking Chem 1201 sec 006. A friend of mine is in there, and another friend of mines older sister who is a Chem major at LSU took that teacher, and said that he was one of her favorite teachers yet, so I killed two birds with one stone, and I now don't have to rush from class to class on Mon, Wed, and Fri. Well, I would love to chat, but off to Math Lab I go!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I just got MyMathLab. I haven't actually gotten to go to the lab to use it, but I am going to do that today after my Biology class.

I LOVE Biology Lab, it was way way more fun than I figured. But I mean, mix labs and biology, and you get the greatest thing ever invented ( I mean come on , biology labs are what made me love biology, so how bad could it be...yeah...real torture). I will post what we did today later, for the select few that care. No lab next week though, so that stinks. My teachers name is Lucas, no Dr. , no Prof. . He is a third year grad. student...short...punkish. I don't know...he knows what he is talking about, and gets the point across well without it being boring. We got out at like 9:45am, so I called "Jordan's Personal Help Service "(Deanna), where I was street-light by street-light directions to Co-op, where I got my English book. Then, I went downtown with Bekah for lunch, where we got smoothies, and walked to capitol park. While there, my headphones fell and hit the backside of my leg. That is when I stood up and screamed (in my usual fashion) freaking out because I thought a squirrel hit me ( my first thought was that a bird bit me, but that was ruled out after I figured that squirrels were more aggressive). Everyone in the park turned and looked. My face went red, and we left. I then called my other help service (My Dad) to get back to campus.

And now I am here. ( Middlton Library)

I have a quiz in English tomorrow. I left my book in the car, otherwise I would be studying right now. It is actually two books, and together they are like 3 inches thick. The pages are super thin, like the kind you find in bibles, and that is the condensed version, I don't even want to know what their regular version looks like. But... I am going to go check the schedule at the bookstore (which by the way Deanna was only a Barnes and Nobles since 2000, you were right), then I am headed to Chemistry 1201. ( I wanted a 1001 class just so that I could say ten o one, but it didn't happen.)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

ok, my first post-college post

I LOVE MATH!!!!! I forget how much I really do enjoy it, until I get back into it. I am excited about getting MyMathLab ( unlike some people), and I like my teacher, except that he writes his "f"s like "t"s, and it is hard to tell what the word is sometimes. Now, I have to have 3 lab hours for that class to get the credit, but I have to have 5 lab hours to get my points from my teacher, that is a total of 7 hours a week just spent on Math, w/o study time included. I also have to have MyWebAcess time for my Chem. teacher, but that is not so bad.

I got to the basement of Allen hall, and after having a difficult time finding the stairs that lead to the basement. Then after waiting patiently in a hall filled with people, I got to go in. Once in I sat in the desk right in between the teachers desk, and the podium where she taught from. The teacher wasn't there yet, and after sitting for like 5 minutes a guy comes in and is like , " This is poetry isn't it?" and the girl behind him says, "yeah". I just about freaked out, because I wasn't sure if my class was for sure in that room, and then she said it was poetry, and I could have died because it was 1:41pm, which meant I would be late for my class if I had to switch rooms. I was in the right room he was supposed to be in 131 ( i was in 31), and all was well after that. But English sounds like it will be fun, I can write all my papers sooner than later because I have access to the topics, so that will be good, and I can just revise them as we cover the topic. The bonus for that class is aggravating because you have to attend little mini seminar thingies (sp?), and write a mini journal on it.

I want to let you all know that I have not yet had to use a map while on campus, and I only officially got lost once, the other two times I was in the right building.

I also want you all to know that I will most likely be staying on at the bookstore. A manager today asked me if I would like to, and then asked for my class schedule, so that is a good sign.

I am trying to gather all of my thoughts to post something that actually matters in the whole scope of eternity, but for now you will just have to live with this.

Oh, and one last thing, I am officially through with the staying up late and stuff except on weekends...and then only when I don't have to work the next day. I have done good, I have gotten in bed by 7:45 every night this week.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My third first day at a new job...

OK, you remember my last post, disregard that. I was aggravated mainly about the schedule, and the fact that my first day at work was looming upon me with little to no notice. Being the new person wasn't that bad considering that there were 7 other people who were there for the first time as well. Good news, I got off early today, better news I don't have to work tomorrow, good news, I am supposed to work every day next week.

Now for the fun stuff:

My first day was great!

The registers are in sets of two's... like little sections that allow two people to stand next to each other while working.

I chose to get the register next to the old employee, everyone else was too chicken I guess. That was good because I got to help do the more important stuff that the other people missed out on. What made it fun? Well for those of you that liked playing with the kid registers when you were younger, it was just like that but grown up style, and you are working with real money. Way better that Winn-Dixie where you scan it, you get to use the portable type of scanner where you press the button and run it over the bar code, the only other time I got to use one of those was when I volunteered to check-in the returned books at the school library. I loved it!

I know one of my new co-workers, we went to middle school together at a tiny school with only 27 people, so I got to know everyone well. It was nice to have someone I knew there, and I made a new friend, Holly, within my first 5 minutes of being there. I also got to know a couple of the old workers, and I exchanged names with all of the new people too. The only hard thing is remembering the names.

Next, I think I am going to remove myself from the Latin waitlist, Spanish is sounding ...alright...? I START SCHOOL IN 213 hours and 30 minutes.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dumb jobs...

OK, I am now 4th for Latin...still undecided as to whether or not I will take it.

I have to work Saturday from 9-6, and Sunday from 10-6. What happened to Barnes and Nobles not being open on Sundays??? I am not very happy with them right now. I don't think I want to stay with them very long, from what I have seen they are not very efficient in what they do, I mean really it ain't that hard...They have hired like 3o people for RUSH, and trained them all, and then when I completed training like they said, and at the first date that they offered to complete it, and I call (like they said to) to get my schedule, they say I am not on it, and then I leave my name and number and they will call back. No call, so I call them, and get the rudest person giving me the brush over and I just to find out my schedule the way they said to. So I call and ask to talk to my manager to find an explanation as to why I am not on the schedule, and to perhaps get on the schedule, and he says I have to work Sunday. Not cool dude. Not cool!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rees Howell

This is an excerpt from the book, it is really great, it covers a lot of the stuff we talked about last night.

This is an account of one of the staff at the college Rees started. It is 11 months after a number of the students in the school decided to really sacrifice their lives to be intercessors:

" An awful sense of God's nearness began to steal over the whole College. There was a solemn expectancy. We were reminded of the 120 in the Upper Room before the day of Pentecost. Like them, we only wanted to spend our time 'in prayer and supplication' -- conscious that God's hand was upon us--conscious that He was about to do something. God was there, yet we felt like we were still waiting for Him to come. And in the days that followed, He came.

"He did not come like a rushing mighty wind. But gradually the Person of the Holy Ghost filled all our thoughts, His Presence filled all the place, and His light seemed to penetrate all the hidden recesses of our hearts. He was speaking through the Director in every meeting, but it was in the quiet of our own rooms that He revealed Himself to many of us. We felt the Holy Spirit had been a real Person to us before; as far as we knew we had received Him; and some of us had known much of His operations in and through our lives. But now the revelation of His Person was so tremendous that all our previous experiences seemed as nothing. There was no visible apparition, but He made Himself so real to our spiritual eyes that it was a 'face to face' experience. And when we saw Him, we knew we had never really seen Him before. We said like Job, 'I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye seeth Thee'; and like him we cried, 'Wherefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.'

" In the light of His purity, it was not so much sin we saw as self. We saw pride and self-motives underlying everything we had ever done. Lust and self-pity were discovered in places we had never suspected them. And we had to confess we knew nothing of the Holy Ghost as an indwelling person. That our bodies were meant to be the temples of the Holy Ghost we knew, but when He pressed the question, 'Who is living in your body?' we could not say that HE was. We would have done so once, but now we had seen Him. In His nature He was just like Jesus--He would never live for self, but always for others. We were people who had left all to follow the Saviour, and had forsaken all we had of this world's goods to enter a life of faith, and as far as we knew we had surrendered our lives entirely to the One who had died for us. But He showed us, 'There is all the difference in the world between your surrendered life in My hands, and I living My life in your body.' We read the Acts afresh, and found we were reading, not the acts of the apostles, but the acts of the Holy Ghost. The bodies of Peter and the others had become His temples. The Holy Ghost as a Divine Person lived in the bodies of the apostles, even as the Saviour had lived His earthly life in the body that was born in Bethlehem. And all that the Holy Spirit asked of us was our wills and our bodies. 'I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice...' (Rom. 12 : 1). It seemed as though we had never seen that scripture before. He made it clear that He was not asking for service but for a sacrifice. 'Our God is a consuming fire' and if the Holy Ghost took possession of these bodies, then His life was going to consume all there was of ours. We had often sung, 'I want to be like Jesus', but when we had the offer from a Person who is like the Saviour to come and live that life daily and hourly in us, we found how unreal we had been. How much there was in us that still wanted to live our own lives -- that shrank from this 'sentence of death'! We now began to see the meaning of the Saviours words in Luke 9 : 24, 'For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it.'

I know it is kinda long but it is really good, just bear with me a little bit longer:

"...As those days of visitation went on, we were just prostrate at His feet. We had thought that there was some virtue in our surrender, that we, with thousands of others, would be the people to evangelize the world in this generation. But now HE had come, and we were out of it--except in so far as our bodies would become the temples in which He would dwell and through which He would work. He said, 'I have not come to give you joy, peace, or victory. I have come not to give you any blessing at all. You will find all that you need in Jesus. But I have come to put you to the cross, so that I may live in your body for the sake of a lost world' (Col. 3:3; 2 Cor. 4:10; Gal. 2:20).

"He warned us that the trials before this task was through would be so great, and the attacks of Satan so fierce, that 'flesh and blood' would never be able to hold out. He showed us that on the eve of Crucifixion, when the real class came with the powers of darkness, it was only the Saviour who stood. We saw every one of the disciples fail in that hour--in spite of all there surrenders, their vows, and their devotion to the Master. And looking into the future years -- the darkness of the last days of this age, the final contest between heaven and hell for the kingdoms of this world -- we could only see One Person who was 'sufficient for these things', and He was the glorious Third Person of the Godhead in those whom He was able to indwell.

"...The personal experience was great -- we were new people. His word became new. So often we had had to water down the Word to the level of our experience. But now the Person in us would insist on bringing our experience up to the level of His Word. ...

"But far greater than anything His visitation could mean to us personally, was what it was going to mean to the world. We saw Him as the One to whom 'the nations are s a drop of bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance.' On our faces before Him we could only say from awed hearts, 'Holy Ghost, You have come to rock the world.' There was no excitement or enthusiasm of the flesh in those days. ...The late hours came, but no one thought of bed, for God was there. it seemed to be a foretaste of the Holy City -- 'There shall be no night there.' 2:00am and 3:00am often seemed like midday as we communed together, prayed with some who were 'coming through', or waited before God in the quietness of our hearts.

"His visitation lasted for some three weeks in this special sense, although, praise God, he came to 'abide',and has continued with us ever since. ...

"Through this falling of the fire upon the sacrifice, the Spirit had sealed to Himself a company of intercessors for every creature. Tutors and school teachers, doctors and nurses, domestic and office workers, gardeners and mechanics, their duties were varied, but their commission was one."

That is just so amazing to me, and it all came from hungry people who chose to move on it Christ, and His will for them. It is very encouraging, and humbling, and inspiring! To allow the Holy Ghost to indwell in me is my one desire, to be holy so that He can! So that it is not me going and doing, but Him!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Keith Green- Soften Your Heart

So many times I've tried to tell you
But I don't think you've been listening
There's nothing I wanna try and sell you
'Cause His love is free

You're so proud of saying you're a seeker
But why are you searching in the dark
You won't find a thing
Until you soften your heart

The message is oh so very simple
You gotta be like a child to see
'Cause Jesus said "Let the little children
Come unto Me"

You try to make things to complicated
But you really don't have to be so smart
You don't learn a thing
Until you soften your heart

Well if this just this once
I could show you your empty life
I know you would follow him
Right now

Well I know it sounds
Just too good to be true
But if He Lives in you

You'll never die, You'll never die,
You'll live forever
You'll never die, You'll never die,
Together forever now

You tell everyone to keep on smiling
Your outlook on life is so positive
But deep down inside
You're searching for a reason to live

Like everyone else you're scared of dying
But the power of death has been blown apart
And you'll live forever
If you soften your heart

Keith Green- No one believes in me anymore

Oh, my job keeps getting easier
As time keeps slipping away
I can imitate your brightest light
And make your night look just like day
I put some truth in every lie
To tickle itching earsYou know
I'm drawing people just like flies
'Cause they like what they hear

I'm gaining power by the hour
they're falling by the scoreYou know,
it's getting very simple now
'Cause no one believes in me anymore

Oh, heaven's just a state of mind
My books read on your shelf
And have you heard that God is dead
I made that one up myself
They dabble in magic spells
They get their fortunes read
You know they heard the truth
But turned away and followed me instead

I used to have to sneak around
But now they just open their doors
You know, no one's watching for my tricks
Because no one believes in me anymore

Everyone likes a winner
With my help, you're guaranteed to win
And hey man, you ain't no sinner
You've got the truth within
And as your life slips by
You believe the lie that you did it on your own
But don't worry
I'll be there to help you share our dark eternal home

Oh, my job keeps getting easier
As day slips into day
The magazines, the newspapers
Print every word I say
This world is just my spinning top
It's all like childs-playYou know,
I dream that it will never stop

But I know it's not that way
Still my work goes on and on
Always stronger than before
I'm gonna make it dark before the dawn
Since no one believes in me anymore
Well now I used to have to sneak around
But now they just open their doors
You know, no one watches for my tricks
Since no one believes in me anymore

Well I'm gaining power by the hour
They're falling by the score
You know, it's getting very easy now
Since no one believes in me anymore
No one believes in me anymore
No one believes in me anymore

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

LS of U

I am now 6th on the waiting list for Latin, I am not even sure if I want to take it though. My mom said it was easy, Mrs. Beth said it is hard, Holly said it didn't help too much for med. why learn a dead language. Swahili is lookin' good...just kidding.