Do you want me? Do you really want Christ? Or is it that you just have this false idea of what I am. And that is what you want? Have you been seeking your own agenda while professing to serve me for so long that you don't know if you are serving that image or serving me? Do you just want me for what I can give you - great friends, blessings (hopefully in the form of money), or maybe you just want me to bring you a moral person for a husband? Do you only want Me for what I offer to you? I know you say that is not true. But what does your LIFE say? If you love me, keep my commandments.
Don't I say that if you love me, keep my commandments? I know you like to quote that, but does your life PROVE that you love me? I didn't say "If you love me keep my commandments - but I know you're human so I'm just going to step back and let you work this out." By no means. I am saying, "If you LOVE me KEEP my commandments." Period. I promise I won't test you without giving you a way out. I will not give you anything that I have not equipped you to handle. I am not leaving you to bear this yoke alone. Look up to the hills, to ME, where your help comes from. Cry out to me in your time of adversity and I will come to you. Seek me I will be found by you.
So you choose this day, every day, whom you are going to serve. I will not share the throne of your heart with another. I will not share my throne with YOU. Please, NOW, count the cost of serving me. Weigh the balances. Do you want money, clothes, entertainment, food, friends, material stuff, or love MORE than you want ME? Do you? Really? Is this love for me going to be proven by your life? Don't falsely tell yourself that you love me more and continue to live the same way you are now. The day will come when you will wish you weren't so nice to yourself. When you will sincerely wish that you had not gone easily on yourself and copped out using the excuse, "I'm just human."
PLEASE decide. Please cry out to me to be MY CHILD and REPENT because the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Or at least stop lying to yourself and admit that you do not want to dwell in my kingdom because you are enjoying this earthly kingdom too much to be willing to give it up for my sake. You see, "accepting" me is not saying, "Lord and Savior come into my heart." Accepting ME is when your LIFE says "This world is DEAD to me. All else pales in comparison to following you. I GLADLY relinquish ALL control to YOU my King. I step down off of the throne and throw myself at your feet that you may now be my Lord. I can no longer stand in that place of my life, and once there You have free reign. You may shine light on any area of my heart, mind soul, and life. And then I will lay it on the altar saying, freely, My Lord this is yours. Let me die, O my God, sharing in your sufferings, your pain, that you may live through me." Your LIFE must say to me, "I believe, I have FAITH in your and your power to overcome sin IN THIS LIFE, thereby to live, HOLY, set apart to you and you alone. I seek not to please man, nor myself, but YOU my KING."
Does your life say that you are first and FOREMOST a child of the Kingdom of God? This Kingdom that is here and NOW - not when this mortal body dies, but when I by the Spirit put to death the deeds of the flesh. Or does your life say, "I profess to people that I love God. But I am a child of my earthly parents - humans. I live in the kingdom of THIS earth FIRST. I know what you expect of me through your word - but there are so many good excuses not to live like that. There are so many people in the "church" who don't live by your word, so you can't seriously expect me to. I am going to continue to live in THIS kingdom. And maybe, I will just drop by and visit you sometime when it's convenient. You know how busy I am, "Lord"." Please do not let yourself be so deceived. You either are my child, or you are not. So live according to the calling which I have set before you. I have no left you to do this alone, but I have given you a helper, my spirit. By my divine power I have given you all things pertaining to life and godliness. Therefore, walk in that. Come. You will be my people, and I will be your God. Walk with me. Run with me. Abide in me. Commune with me.
Passages in II Peter 1 and Galatians 5 go with this word.
God also asked me a serious question that I would challenge you to ask yourself as well. Here it is:
"Why do you love me? Jordan, Why? Is it because of my hand?"
My Lord, NO! I LOVE you because you are Holy!! I love you because you require that of me, and do not change your standards - not for me, not for anyone. I love you and I love loving you. I praise you that you have brought me to a place where I can cry out, O God, let me follow you all the days of my life! Grant me to serve you! That is all that I ask. Let me walk with you. Where you go, I will go. Let your people be my people. Let me continually share in your death that I may thereby live with you for all my days. This work you are doing in me, may it never cease. May I not draw one more breath unless you are in it. You, my God, YOU are my everything!