Monday, September 25, 2006

My car...

So, we got the license today, but the trunk won't open, nor the passenger seat fully fold, at least not enough for someone to get in the back seat, not that they would want to because the seat does not scoot forward except for about 1 and 1/2 inch, so if you were to try and sit in the back you would need to be about 4 feet tall with red hair. Pop is gonna try and fix it, but that is what they get for not thouroughly looking the car over. Well, I have home work. (by the way, thanks Bob, that book helped ALOT!!!)


  1. oh come on BJ.. even I caught that.

    Jordan yer funny. I miss you! I haven't seen you in over 24 hours. I will be anxiously awaiting your arrival home.

  2. hmmm, 4 ft red heads did not immediately bring leprechans to mind... only Lesley. Well, it will be a solo car, groups not welcome. (it'd just be a clown car anyway with more than two people. Always interesting to see people contort out of the back seat though...
