Thursday, November 23, 2006

Loss for words.

I am unsure what to post about. It is Thanksgining, I have had a nice relaxing day. I have nothing to do now, not really, I just don't feel like doing the things I have to do. I think I will just turn on my electric blanket and watch a few episodes of Sinfield. I work tomorrow from 11-8, I think that is the earliest I have ever gotten off on a friday. We were way overstaffed today, like to the point where I had cleaned possibly everything in sight, and you know you can never clean enough at McDonald's, but I had. I resorted to emplying the sauce holders and cleaning them, from there I cleaned the sugar, cream, and salt holders. THen I asked my boss what to do, and she said stand around like everybody else. I don't like to do that. so I stocked things, cleaned the coffee pot, and top part(where the grounds are). Then I stood. It was ridiculous, then for the last hour, I was on back cash, and took a total of 3 orders. I collected around 14 dollars, and gave out $1.68 cents change. There were two credit card orders in that time as well. We were very slow. Slow enough for me to know the ammount of money I gave and recieved. I came home, showered ( I do that everytime I get off, I just feel like I have McDonald's germs all over me) then made a salad dressing, and we had lunch. Then my family and I went to see Happy Feet, some parts were cuter than others, but is was in general a cute, but not well done movie. Bekah described the ending as them getting bored with making it, so they just stopped, and said, "Here , save the penguins!! Bye!!" It kinda does end like that. But I am having a goo day, enjoying not putting up Christmas lights. This may be one of the longest pointless posts I have ever posted. Oh, well.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, that is how Happy Feet seemed to end. Like, the people who started out making the movie got tired of it and handed it over to some environmentalists and said, "here, you take it for a while, we're tired of it and ran out of ideas for an ending"! Not a childrens classic by any means.

    Sinfield, huh? whatdaya know... :)
