Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Thank you all for being my friend!!

My day has dramatically improved here in the last few hours. I find such great comfort in the counsel if my friends and elders. I was reminded only moments ago of how sweet it is to have relationships in the light. The people God has surrounded me with are here for me when I need it most.

Bob and Sharon: What you said Sunday night was great. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I have applied that advice to other areas of my life, but it didn't even occur to me to put it into practice here. I talked to my mom too.

Lauren: I love the way that God shows us similar things at the same time. I feel so privileged to get to grow in the Lord with you as my friend.

: You speak such truth, and are a constant reminder of how God can move and work. You spur me on to a deeper relationship with Him, and with others in the body of Christ. Thank you for the friend that you have been, and for the things you have done for me (i.e. going to the mall with me the day before Christmas eve, the roses, wii, tofu-less smoothes...)

Hol: Thank you for the joyful spirit that you bring to everything. Thank you for your setting the example in college, and thank you for being my friend. (Do you remember when we were accountability partners, those were interesting days. :)

Mrs. Michelle: I love your company so much, and I love watching movies with you when I get a chance. I greatly appreciate the wisdom that you impart, and the grace you speak it with.

Deb: I love you so much. You set an example for me in ways you may not even see. I enjoy your company so much, and fellowship that comes so easily when with you.

Amber: (If she even reads this) I still want to know who put the spoon in the bathroom. I love your company, and the comic relief that you provide. God just flows out of you, and it makes conversation great, not to mention insightful.

Jamie: In all your quirky-ness you prove to be true and earnest in seeking after Christ. I love that about you, you are so humble, yet so bold, a great addition to the body of Christ.

Mrs. Heather: You have such a sweet spirit, and I love to just sit and talk with you. You are so easy-going and peaceful that it makes it a joy to spend time with you.

BJ: Your faithfulness is nearly incomprehensible. You stand so strong in seemingly unending solitude ( if that is the right word, you get it). It is a privilege to walk in Christ with you.

Bekah: You are so sweet to me, the seemingly quintessential older sister. I can see God working in you, and it is so honoring.

There are so many other people who set such great examples of wisdom, steadfastness, long-suffering. I love every member of the body of Christ, and am so excited to have the privilege of spending the next year walking with them in Christ.

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