Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sorry if it doesn't flow right, God is still showing me how to arrange my thoughts.

This is the result of God revealing my laziness.



-inactive, that is, unemployed; (by implication) lazy, useless: - barren, idle, slow.
-sluggish, that is, (literally) lazy, or (figuratively) stupid: - dull, slothful.


disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous b : encouraging inactivity or indolence

The verse that really made me start this study was:

Proverbs 19:15- Laziness will cast one into a deep sleep, and idleness leaves one hungry.

If you don’t work you don’t eat-meaning you go hungry. (2Thes 3:10)

Proverbs 21:26 The desire of the slothful will kill him, for his hands refuse to labor.

Proverbs 10:16 The labor of the righteous leads to life, the wages of the wicked to sin.

For the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)

Ephesians 4: 28 Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.

It all boils down to “Am I going to work to fuel my flesh, or kill it? Am I going to work to feed my spirit, or will I let it die?” I must work to live in Christ. The bible says we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Php 2:12). When you work you sweat; sweat is your bodies way of removing impurities. Likewise in the spirit, when I begin to work out my salvation, then will the fire get hotter, and the things of my flesh will be scraped away.


It burns. Be hot or cold, but not lukewarm. When was the last time you touched a lukewarm fire? So, if I am not on fire, than what am I? Cold. Lukewarm. A fire will not continue to burn unless you feed it. Likewise in the spirit I must work to feed my fire, or it will go out!

- Refiners fire.
It gets hotter every time. Remain faithful in the fire, constantly feed the fire while you are in it. It is better to burn away the iniquity, than not burn at all.

-Fire in Relationship.
Combine fire with fire, and you get a bigger fire. Stir one another up to faith and good works (Hebrews 10:24). Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). We are to fellowship in fire, not draw back. It is together that the fire gets hotter, and more impurities are brought to the top. More is brought to the light! (The sun is light; the sun is fire!) Walking together with other brothers and sisters in Christ, in the Spirit, in the Light is relationship. Relationship isn’t always fun. The point of the fire is to burn up the flesh, tell me the last time you stuck your arm in a fire, and it didn’t hurt, and it didn’t burn, you can’t it doesn’t happen. So add other people in the fire with exhorting and reproving me, it makes the fire hotter, and it hurts even more!

So what makes me think that I will be able to survive in Gods fire without Him? His spirit must be in me!! His spirit must be what my body is composed or, otherwise while I walk through the fire and it gets hotter, there will be nothing left to bring God glory.

The War.

There is a war in myself, with myself, to die to self. Apostate v. Apostolic – 1 John 2: 18-19. Religion v. True Christianity.
There are many battles in a war, you win some you loose some, but you are constantly fighting to prevail against evil. You are given all of your weapons:
2 Peter 1: 2-4 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power (holy spirit) has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
In a war you have to hold onto our weapons, you cannot leave them behind. Without weapons how do you expect to fight the enemy, much less kill the enemy? What are your weapons? And the weapons of this war are not carnal, but spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4). The word is living and sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). Not only do you have to hold onto them, but you have to use (work/labor) them also. And while you are fighting, you are cleansing yourself. The sword works to cut you to the heart. Proverbs 20:30 Blows that hurt cleans away evil, as do stripes in the inner depths of the heart. Iron sharpens iron.

-Relationship and War.

Psalms 119:11 Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34).

That pretty much speaks for itself.

Chose this day whom you are going to serve. Joshua 24:15

1 comment:

  1. Jordan, I think that you explained yourself well. I was very incourage and pray that your faith wouldn't fail. Cont' digging deeper and deeper.
