Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I like all of the verses to the hymn "Jesus Loves Me"

Ok, so I know I didn't make much sense in house church this past sunday, and so I will be trying to organize all my thoughts and what I tried to express in a way the may actually be understandable as a reflection of what God has been doing in my heart, rather than the mumbled mess that was not so well conveyed. 

But for now, here are a few quotes from Revolution by George Barna. It's stuff we already know, but I liked the way he presented it in straightforward succinct manner. 

"Believers will not have an institution such as the local church to use a a crutch or excuse for wimpy faith. Each Revolutionary consents to be personally responsible for his or her spiritual state--whether that's growth or stagnation" Pg. 104

"Christians who are involved in local churches are actually less likely than Revolutionaries to lead a biblical lifestyle." Pg. 115 

"Compared to the 'average' Christian I encounter in our national surveys, I estimate that the 'average' Revolutionary is substantially more Spirit-led, faith-focused, scripturally literate, and biblically obedient than their more traditional counterparts who are embedded within a congregation." Pg. 116

P.S.- If you don't already know them, click on the title (or here) to see all of the lyrics to "Jesus Loves Me" and click here to see Jennifer Knapps version.

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