Thursday, July 6, 2006

Palete verde del mananza con carmelo

I was thinking about my friends today. Actually tonight. Well, I am glad God gave me the friends I have. He gave me a sister, and I think if ihe haden't then he would have had to do alot to teach me all the lessons He has tought through her. Then he gave me a friend that doesn't require much, just someone to call, or talk to for hours, and who will always pray with me when I need it. But then it has been a huge lesson on just how to be her friend because I am continually humbled in her presance (which is a good thing). That keeps me from taking our relationship for granted. Then there is the friend who always has something to say. And I like that at times, because I get rebuked and complimented in the same sentance sometimes. I have fun with her. Some would say that she brings out the worst in me, but if the people who say that would really think about it, the worst is brought out not by her but by me, and it shows in all my relationships. I am seeing in my own mind the things God is changing in me though. He has changed the way I think about people, and life in general. As of right now I have decided to slow down, and take things one day at a time, I am still very young so I can take my time growing up.

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