Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Ummm...BJ, the font is miniscule. I don't know how people will read it without straining their eyes. You will have to fix it.


  1. There's words on that picture? I thought it was just grainy....

  2. You people need to get on the ball. I, already this week on my blog, have talked about iPods, remote control cars, Burger King, Psalm 130, and Sienfeld. Plus, I've completely changed the look of my blog. Get with it.

  3. And we already this week have commented on you blog about iPods, remote control cars, Burger King, Psalm 130, and Sienfeld, but you forgot to add that you completely change the look of MY blog too.

  4. yeah. but then you complained about it so it doesn't count.

  5. i'll fix your type sunday, or if i see you before. lauren i don't know if i can help. that's jamie's mess, i don't know if i wan to clean it up.

  6. hey we can fix your type at prayer tonight. i forgot i'd see you then.
