Friday, November 24, 2006

The Blood

The life of the flesh is in the blood. Leviticus 14.

If the life of the flesh is in the blood, then wouldn’t the life of the Spirit be in the Blood of Jesus also? If so, then which blood is coursing through my heart every moment of every day? Which blood am I gaining my life from? Which blood gives me the ability to draw each breath?

How is it then that if I want to walk in the Spirit, that I am not covered in the blood? If I live in the Spirit, that means I must draw my life from that Spirit. Meaning I would have to go through the cross. Die to my flesh, draining the blood of the flesh, filling every vein, and organ, and blood vessel with the blood of the cross. The blood of the Jesus, the giver of life, by His blood. I have heard that phrase so very many times, but it truly makes sense now. Jesus is the giver of life. He died, giving me life, by covering my transgressions, and allowing the Holy Spirit to come enter in.

Then, if the two bloods just happen to mix? What would that mean. A little bit of leaven leavens the whole bunch. Does that apply here? Would that not be the makings of a hypocrite, would that not be a holy abomination? I am asking, because I don’t know. Or would the power of The Blood kill whatever life was in the blood of the flesh? Would it cover the DNA of the flesh, replacing it with its’ own?

I can’t escape the continual repetition of this going through my head, for two weeks now I have been pondering this.

I desire to live in the Spirit, to draw every breath fom that Spirit. I desire to die to self, and have every drop of my blood replaced with Christ's. That is so mind boggling to me, that Christ would be so gentle and patient with me. That He would be willing to go through the long…long process with me, watching me mess up, and still urging me to get up, and keep going. That He would walk with me, as long as I walk too, that when I lose strength, He will be right there too uphold me. That as long as I cloth myself in His blood, His righteousness, that He will make intercession for me with the Father.

My life is based on my death at the cross.

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