Sunday, January 14, 2007

Better late than never...

Fifteen Favorite Places to Go.

One. Gramma's House

Two. The Park in Baker...I would not go by myself, but I have so so many memories there.

Three. Open fields with wildflowers

Four. Prayer closet

Five. I don't know if this technically counts, but I enjoy zoning off sometimes, and just thinking about the people around me, and where they are headed, my mind wanders, and sometimes I just let it, to kinda get a different perspective on things.

Six. My sisters house, any of them, just to be around them

Seven. The beach, but only at sunrise, and maybe sunset...if there was someone else nearby... that I knew.

Eight. House Church

Nine. our old tree house

Ten. Any where Mr Todd is telling a story.

Eleven. My room

Twelve. cabins, they are so cozy, and just warm feeling.

Thirteen. Roller coaster rides

Fourteen. trails...only with lots of people.

Fifteen. SNOW where ever there is a good amount of snow, but not too much to where it is scary, but still lots of snow.

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