Thursday, June 7, 2007


I feel like an idiot. Bekah and I are house sitting. Well, Bekah called my cell phone, and I don't get a signal in their house, so, I go out the front door ( the one that sometimes, randomly locks), thinking to myself, "Wouldn't it be funny if it locked now? Maybe I should go in and get my keys.", ignoring that thought, I proceed to close the door behind me, not wanting to waste the air conditioner to the stifling heat outside. I call Bekah, "busy"; call again, "busy";I turn to open the door, and it's locked. No big deal, I'll go to the back door, locked. I call Bekah, and she answers. She was only calling to tell me that she was stepping away from her desk, after hours of paper work. Lovely, I am now locked outside only to find out that Bekah is not at her desk. I check all the windows, they were all locked. So, then I had to remove a mini-AC unit from the kitchen window, and crawl in over the sink. Good thing I had just done the dishes so the sink was empty. Half way through the window, I hear a door open. Did I fail to mention that the neighbors door is directly opposite the kitchen window. Once in, I turn around to see the entire neighboring family staring at me through the window. "Are you O.K.?" came from the mothers mouth. I reply in a pleading tone, "Yes, I locked myself out." To which she said, "O.K., I won't call the police then." So, that is how I spent the 2:00 hour of my day.

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