Friday, August 22, 2008

A post to the long neglected public who reads this blog

No excuses, I haven't posted, so sorry.

So, I was sorely disappointed with the BCM last night. At least with the family group leaders who headed the circle of people that I was in. I expected a bit more than what was delivered. It started out with going around the circle and answering questions that were on a sheet of paper. We only answered the first 2 questions( which were like name, hometown, major, why you chose LSU etc.) Then the group leaders ( if you can call them that, they "lead" the conversation no where) said something along the lines of " Wow, these questions are pretty deep, why don't we make up our own questions?!?! So, whats your favorite food/drink?!" The previous questions were good. They asked things like "how are your parents handling your going to college?, What are your spiritual beliefs?, What sort of church did you attend growing up?, What are your spiritual goals for the year?, Who has inspired you most spiritually?" Good questions, way better than "What is your favorite food?". I hoped for more, I am not necessarily surprised, but a tad disappointed. It's not like it shattered all my hopes and dreams or anything, I mean, I do realize that they function similarly to a religious institution, so I didn't expect too much, just more than was delivered. And perhaps if I stayed longer I would have gotten to have a more meaningful conversation with one of the people there ( Beege and I bailed after the questions), which is really all I wanted, but, oh well. I don't think it was really the time and place for that sort of thing? I will attempt going to the regular Thursday night bible study a few more times, and if no fruit seems appears from it, then that will be the end of it, but if by any chance God allows even one ounce of Glory to come to His name through my going, then last night will have been worth it, and I will continue to seek to bring Him glory in that manner.

So, aside from my futile attempts to build fruitful relationships, school starts next week, and I am taking an intense beginning Spanish class that I am excited about! I hope that my Spanish will really improve, so get prepared to hear me rambling half Spanish, half English sentences and then laughing at myself, because that is most likely what is going to happen.


  1. If you're looking for campus fellowship...back in my day, Chi Alpha (meaning Christ First) was really good. They also had a large percentage of internationals. But, I found it difficult to balance school, work, CCC and then other meetings. I just couldn't make it all fit. They were challenging, relational and real - but it would take more time than what I had at the time to be able to properly invest in the relationships.

  2. I may check them out tonight! I found a flyer saying when they were meeting. It starts an hour earlier than the BCM, so that is nice considering that my classes end at 2:30, so I would just be waiting around til 8 for the BCM.

  3. Don't get discouraged girl. It took me 3 years at youth group to see any results at all. Don't try to influence people, just be faithful and talk about God and those who are true Christians will follow. I love you girl!
