Friday, September 29, 2006


BJ's blog- My razzing (razz- harass with persistent criticism or carping) compatriot (fellow Americain)

Bekah's Blog-My saccharine (Having a cloyingly sweet attitude, tone, or character: a saccharine smile. Excessively sentimental) biological relative (sister)

Lauren's Blog- My perspicacious(having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning)propinquity (nearness of relation; kinship)

Jamie's Blog- My jocose (given to or characterized by joking; jesting; humorous; playful, witty, funny) goombah ( A companion or associate, especially an older friend who acts as a patron, protector, or adviser)

Jacob's Blog- My compatriots consanguity (relationship by descent from a common ancestor; kinship)


  1. okay, that clears things up a little. . .

  2. Pulchritudinous (beautiful) elucidation (clarifying explaination) Jordi!

  3. wow...the pocket dictionary i own doesn't even have those words. well, except for goombah.

  4. lol.. I like mine, but I don't know how flattered BJ will be by his. And the others are just funny. Especially BJ's. You need one for Holly, even though she's blog-less.

  5. Yeah, Bj's was supposed to be another word for mock, but everything that came up was horribly cruel. So I went for that one.

  6. yeah, that one is fine. although i don't think i'm as razzing as the definition makes me out to be.

  7. Nor do I, I tried to put artsy, and I had at first, but I didn't know avant-garde, because I did not know that it was commonly used as a derogotory term. The definition said :of or pertaining to the experimental treatment of artistic, musical, or literary material. So Bekah told me to change it.

  8. Ok, you people are getting way to verbose for me to converse with.
