Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Northeast is dumb. I have no school pride.

So, my art teacher won,t be back for like half of the year. Me, not wanting to do dumb busy work for an hour, want to drop the class, I don't need the credit, and it would hardly improve my GPA, not to mention I don't like the rules we had to abide by when she was there. My hand starts to hurt when I have to make a color pencil look like paint.

Well, I tried to drop the class, and they won,t let me. My mom is going to call the school board to see if there is a way around it. I took the class for a fun class, and it is my least favorite class.

Drama: So we are picking the fall performance play this week. And my teacher wants to cast me as Gwendoline ( main). The memorizing the lines is fine, making out with not only one guy, but 3 is too much. I am not even going to fake it, too close for comfort. Hopefully we can talk her into one of the other 2 plays, where I could be a business woman who dreamed of broadway ( Fun, I would get to burst out into shekespeare randomly) or a realestate woman / ghost, or the woman who drves the ghosts out via whichcraft.

My day was interesting, but I am good now that I am home, and not at the dumbest school in the parish, literally.


  1. i looked under links...i don't understand what i am...or what anyone else is either

  2. i'm pulling for the random shakespeare!
