Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dumb Presentations!!!!

I don't know what it is, but any time I try to give a presentation in class, my heart starts to race wildly, to the point where you can hear it in my voice, which quivers. I start to shack uncontrollably, and I turn red. So I had to present my coat of arms today, and I held it in front of my face the whole time, and just read it, hoping that would make it a tad less noticeable. NO, because I was shaking it made it even more noticeable. Mine was the only presentation that everyone clapped for, I am not sure if it was out of pity, or if they actually liked it. Yup, but I can do a play in front of a hundred or more people, MC an Awards ceremony, and set myself apart from every other person in my school, yet I cannot give a presentation, It has been that way since 7th grade, and now I am graduating. I know every person in the class, and they honestly don't care, yet the odd signs still appear as though I am nervous. I really don't think I am though. It frustrates me, but it is not that big of a deal.


  1. I had the same problem in high school. It's gotten better in college. but what i think it is is that something like this assignment is something you've worked hard on and put your heart into. it tells a little of the truth of who you are. and of course most of these people probably know who you are already. but it's still sharing your heart and it's with people that aren't christian and you don't know that they love you like the people you are walking in Christ with.

  2. Let it be known that I blame my similar extreme sympathetic nervous system overreaction to Joel Vedros and Austin Arnold, they scarred me for life in Toastmasters. (Details available upon request) In fact, I quit shortly thereafter, never to return. :D, But then, I was forced to give speeches in a dreadful Communication 211 (AKA public speaking) class. Aqua Scum! The things you have to do to graduate! But, I did improve to where I could actually make eye contact and not shake (very noticably). I finally learned to not try and memorize a speech, but know my topic well enough that I could just wing it/ talk it through from my major points. One of my speeches (informative speech) I talked about Wedding customs, very funny/interesting topic, and actually had fun giving that one. There's no feeling like sitting down safely in your seat when you are finished though! All in all, if the topic means enough to you the speech is easier to give.
