Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Senior wills are due Friday.

I don't know what to put, everyone always puts their family, and friends, but I don't want to because really they are not what got me through school, God did. Umm... I reeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy don't know what to put. Dumb senior stuff, really, once I get out of high school, I prolly won't see like half of these people again. I don't really care what I put, but I want to put something totally different from every other will. I don't know what to will??? Thanks? Honor? Glory?

BJ, what did you put?


  1. you totally have to leave your beta/library letterman's jacket to someone.

  2. What is a senior will? Your school is strange.

  3. A snior will normally goes something like this:

    I, Jordan Ward, will my thanks to my parents, and my love to my friends. To Lauren the strength to have God get you through the rest of High school, and to ... blah blah blah, and to blah blah blah ..blah blah blah.

    But that is so borring. I don't want to will to my parents or friends, because they are not who got me through school.

  4. You know, God has many names. If he is who got you though high school, then he can be praised by many names.

  5. "I am not, but I know I AM!!!"
    I think BJ's idea is good... get some sleep and start writing!

    Yeah, no letterman jackets in college, Jordi

