Friday, January 26, 2007

I need help...any suggestions, it doesn't flow right, I am considering taking out the second stanza.It is for my English class.

My House

There are many thoughts and many ideals,
All brought together in my house.
There are many opinions, some stated,
Some not, all represented in my house;
Many rooms, each with different feelings,
Yet all in the same place, my house.

"Who can judge a book by its cover?"
Who can open a door with no key?
Who knows what secrets lie untold
Within the doors of my house?

My house is always changing,
People coming in, and going out,
Growing to have the mind of Christ,
Learning to put others first,
But one thing is always the same,
The foundation on which it stands:Jesus.

I never said I was a poet, and it is late, and I am tired, so give me a break. I give up for tonight, I have to be at work for 7 in the morning.I miss everyone.