Thursday, September 7, 2006

We took school ID pictures tuesday, and I think this is my worst one yet. I dont really care, but it is fun to see how I have changed in the

past four years. If you can see them, here they are.
I will do close ups of each in their terribleness tomorrow. Posted by Picasa


  1. Waiting anxiously for close-ups....

  2. Forgive me, being as I am but an ignorant homeschooler, but why does your 8th grade ID say 'Highschool"?

  3. ah... I can't believe I remember the day you took your freshman id.

    listen, have you noticed the time on this thing is wrong? or go you have to change it?

  4. NEVERMIND I say the "time zone" option- there's that blonde thing again. It won't go away Jordan, I try, I really do. LOL
