Tuesday, August 28, 2007

ok, my first post-college post

I LOVE MATH!!!!! I forget how much I really do enjoy it, until I get back into it. I am excited about getting MyMathLab ( unlike some people), and I like my teacher, except that he writes his "f"s like "t"s, and it is hard to tell what the word is sometimes. Now, I have to have 3 lab hours for that class to get the credit, but I have to have 5 lab hours to get my points from my teacher, that is a total of 7 hours a week just spent on Math, w/o study time included. I also have to have MyWebAcess time for my Chem. teacher, but that is not so bad.

I got to the basement of Allen hall, and after having a difficult time finding the stairs that lead to the basement. Then after waiting patiently in a hall filled with people, I got to go in. Once in I sat in the desk right in between the teachers desk, and the podium where she taught from. The teacher wasn't there yet, and after sitting for like 5 minutes a guy comes in and is like , " This is poetry isn't it?" and the girl behind him says, "yeah". I just about freaked out, because I wasn't sure if my class was for sure in that room, and then she said it was poetry, and I could have died because it was 1:41pm, which meant I would be late for my class if I had to switch rooms. I was in the right room he was supposed to be in 131 ( i was in 31), and all was well after that. But English sounds like it will be fun, I can write all my papers sooner than later because I have access to the topics, so that will be good, and I can just revise them as we cover the topic. The bonus for that class is aggravating because you have to attend little mini seminar thingies (sp?), and write a mini journal on it.

I want to let you all know that I have not yet had to use a map while on campus, and I only officially got lost once, the other two times I was in the right building.

I also want you all to know that I will most likely be staying on at the bookstore. A manager today asked me if I would like to, and then asked for my class schedule, so that is a good sign.

I am trying to gather all of my thoughts to post something that actually matters in the whole scope of eternity, but for now you will just have to live with this.

Oh, and one last thing, I am officially through with the staying up late and stuff except on weekends...and then only when I don't have to work the next day. I have done good, I have gotten in bed by 7:45 every night this week.


  1. I love it..."every night this week" and today would be...Tuesday! :) Love the news. couldn't pass up the opprtunity to harass you.

  2. 7:45?? That is too early. What time do you have to get up?

    I'm glad you haven't had to use a map because people would laugh at you. Once last spring I met my cousin for lunch the first week of class and I told her I saw 2 girls looking at a map in the middle of the quad and we both had a good laugh.

    I HATE MyMethLab!!!!!!! You know, it doesn't work on Macs at all. That's so dumb!

  3. I get up at different times every day, but I want to train my body to force me to get to sleep early. Monday I got up at 5:30, and Tuesday at 5:30, but today at 6:30, it just depends on my classes. The earlier I go to bed, the better I wake up.

    As for you Deanna, three days in a row is good for me, I haven't yet aquired the dicipline that you have to get to bed by a certain time. No more sleeping in 'til 1pm...or 3pm.Which means I have to get my extra zzzzz's in somewhere, after all according to Mrs. Christy I am in my formative years and I need my rest to grow big and strong! LOL
