Friday, March 20, 2009

I have a ton of energy right now

I am so incredibly excited that it is now springtime and a weekend!!! Things have been oh so crazy for oh so long, that I think crazy is becoming normal so it doesn't feel crazy any more. I dropped my physics class, which is one less thing for me to freak about, and frees up a boat load of time for me to study! Whoo-hoo for more study time! Kinda, because that now means that I actually have to fill that time with studying.

Lets make a list:

1. My crazy avocado paper got turned in today. Finally!!! I only started it, what, 8 WEEKS ago!!But I really like that class:

a) because the topics of conversation are HILARIOUS!

b) my classmates are super fun in general

c) it is cancelled A LOT

d) the slow pace is a reprieve from my other fast paced classes.

2. I am starting an argument paper and picking the topic is hard because there are so many good topics that I can't seem to pick.

3. There are only 2 months left in the semester!! Crazy!! Yet awesome all at the same time!

4. I have been spending some time thinking this week about how much of a self talker I am. Really. It seems like ALL DAY long I am constantly talking myself into and out of doing things. I have talked myself into lunch, studying, sleeping, "napping", reading a book in class despite being rude", not reading a book in class because it would be rude", and so many more things that I couldn't begin to list.

5. I want to go to next weeks baseball game. I think I have more school spirit for non-football sports than for football. Not that I don't have school spirit for football, just more for other things.

6. I am listening to Bekah sing rather off key while she is "tanning" in my parents backyard. I say tanning like that because it is really burning, she just doesn't want to believe that.

7. Bekah and I are at my parents house tonight because our AC is broken. She had wanted to stay here anyway, but I wanted to wait and just come over here in the morning. She got her way by default.

8. I read Utopia by Thomas More just because I saw it in the bookstore, and it had a pretty cover, and it was mentioned in Ever After which is a movie that I like very much. That was one of the things I self-talked myself into buying, then reading instead of studying, then possibly using to further my argument for prohibition of alcohol in my argument paper. I have since self-talked myself out of using that as a topic due to the lack of current media on the topic.)

9. I love, love, love pickles. Dill pickles that is. Cindy got me some. She is awesome. Sometimes I think I cohabitate (is that the right word? Is that a word at all actually) better with her than I do with Bekah.

10. A sister is a really great thing to have. I miss all of mine.

11. I am really enjoying where I am at in life right now. Though I am constantly thinking about things I need to do that would make where I am at more productive for myself in the long run, I need to do those things.

12. I am taking the MCAT in the fall. Just for practice, I'm sure I will take it again. Yay for med-school entrance exams.

13. Some goofy person on Greenwell Springs Road (the same road that I live on) paid $20 for me to ship them a stupid diploma frame rather than just drive to LSU and pick one up. I was quite frustrated with them earlier this week because it was quite the hassle. If it were not rude and unprofessional I would write them a letter informing them of their utter stupidity regarding this matter.

14. I am bored with this now. So I am going to stop and go back to browsing el interneto.


  1. Hey! You blogged!!!!!! Yipppeeeeee!

  2. Reading this blog, girlie, made me miss you, seriously, a whole lot. :-( You are so cute, and funny! I'm glad that school is going better for you now. I had a field trip today to the DIA (Detroit Institute of Arts). I bet you would have enjoyed it! I'd love to read the paper you juiced out of that avocado pic. :-)
    Have a wonderful week, deary!

