If your a girl go here.
If your a guy go here or here.
Really everyone could read them all, but for times sake those are good for starters. Just go to it.
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." john 15:4-5
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sorry it is late..
Ok, so give me a break for not posting anything of any importance for a long time, my life has been just a little hectic lately. But in all this time God has been slowly showing parts of a revelation that I think I just fully got this morning. So here it is:
A few weeks back on a Tuesday night we were worshiping. As I listened to the words of " At the foot of the cross" God opened my eyes to see what the "ashes" (trade my ashes in for beauty) are. I always knew that they were the result of giving your life on the cross, of dying to self. If you think about ashes...They have no idenity really, they all pretty much look the same. The revelation came with the idea that you cannot put ashes back together, that once dead to something it is to be gone, and from that point forward only to be used to bring God glory, mainly meant to be beautiful to Him.
All of this happens at the foot of the cross. That is where, through repentance, we have the opportunity to die to self. The cross is where we die, once dead we become beauty with the remission of our sin, and we ARE TO NEVER GO BACK AGAIN. Where does this power come from, the Holy Spirit and the cross combined. This is a gift from God, and needs to be treated like one, rather that ignored, or set aside. If our earthly father knows how to give good gifts, then how much more does our Father in heaven know how to give a gift, and how much more should that gift be respected and used to accomplish what it was set out to do.
So, if I think about it, how humbly would I approach the cross, knowing that I am to offer myself, in all my putridness, as a gift to God, only to recieve the greatest gift in return, the gift to bring Him glory by living a holy life. When I think about that it just makes me want to run to the cross, and throw myself down, and pour everything I have ever known, every dream, every hope, every thing that even thought about being fleshly over, and just seek the heart, thoughts, hopes, dreams, prayers, and responsibilities of Christ.
Yet with all of this new revelation, what have I done? Nothing...I have wrapped myself into school, work, and life...I have chosen to keep my own gift rather than accept that of my Fathers, and yet I still call myself His daughter. I do believe this is my wake up call, to throw off all selfishness and RUN to the cross, and do exactly a stated above, pour EVERYTHING there, and leave it on one side of the cross, and walk out the other side, in the light of Christ, living as His beauty, walking as His glory, breathing only by His grace and mercy, dwelling in Him every moment of every day.
I would'a, should'a, could'a shared this this morning, but I didn't really get it all, and by the time I did it's not like I can get a word in edge-wise, not that I could have taken us any farther off track than we got anyway, but the timing wasn't right. I love you guys, and I am sorry for not acting in a manner that was in accordance with the revelation that Christ had given me.
A few weeks back on a Tuesday night we were worshiping. As I listened to the words of " At the foot of the cross" God opened my eyes to see what the "ashes" (trade my ashes in for beauty) are. I always knew that they were the result of giving your life on the cross, of dying to self. If you think about ashes...They have no idenity really, they all pretty much look the same. The revelation came with the idea that you cannot put ashes back together, that once dead to something it is to be gone, and from that point forward only to be used to bring God glory, mainly meant to be beautiful to Him.
All of this happens at the foot of the cross. That is where, through repentance, we have the opportunity to die to self. The cross is where we die, once dead we become beauty with the remission of our sin, and we ARE TO NEVER GO BACK AGAIN. Where does this power come from, the Holy Spirit and the cross combined. This is a gift from God, and needs to be treated like one, rather that ignored, or set aside. If our earthly father knows how to give good gifts, then how much more does our Father in heaven know how to give a gift, and how much more should that gift be respected and used to accomplish what it was set out to do.
So, if I think about it, how humbly would I approach the cross, knowing that I am to offer myself, in all my putridness, as a gift to God, only to recieve the greatest gift in return, the gift to bring Him glory by living a holy life. When I think about that it just makes me want to run to the cross, and throw myself down, and pour everything I have ever known, every dream, every hope, every thing that even thought about being fleshly over, and just seek the heart, thoughts, hopes, dreams, prayers, and responsibilities of Christ.
Yet with all of this new revelation, what have I done? Nothing...I have wrapped myself into school, work, and life...I have chosen to keep my own gift rather than accept that of my Fathers, and yet I still call myself His daughter. I do believe this is my wake up call, to throw off all selfishness and RUN to the cross, and do exactly a stated above, pour EVERYTHING there, and leave it on one side of the cross, and walk out the other side, in the light of Christ, living as His beauty, walking as His glory, breathing only by His grace and mercy, dwelling in Him every moment of every day.
I would'a, should'a, could'a shared this this morning, but I didn't really get it all, and by the time I did it's not like I can get a word in edge-wise, not that I could have taken us any farther off track than we got anyway, but the timing wasn't right. I love you guys, and I am sorry for not acting in a manner that was in accordance with the revelation that Christ had given me.
Friday, January 26, 2007
I need help...any suggestions, it doesn't flow right, I am considering taking out the second stanza.It is for my English class.
My House
There are many thoughts and many ideals,
All brought together in my house.
There are many opinions, some stated,
Some not, all represented in my house;
Many rooms, each with different feelings,
Yet all in the same place, my house.
"Who can judge a book by its cover?"
Who can open a door with no key?
Who knows what secrets lie untold
Within the doors of my house?
My house is always changing,
People coming in, and going out,
Growing to have the mind of Christ,
Learning to put others first,
But one thing is always the same,
The foundation on which it stands:Jesus.
I never said I was a poet, and it is late, and I am tired, so give me a break. I give up for tonight, I have to be at work for 7 in the morning.I miss everyone.
There are many thoughts and many ideals,
All brought together in my house.
There are many opinions, some stated,
Some not, all represented in my house;
Many rooms, each with different feelings,
Yet all in the same place, my house.
"Who can judge a book by its cover?"
Who can open a door with no key?
Who knows what secrets lie untold
Within the doors of my house?
My house is always changing,
People coming in, and going out,
Growing to have the mind of Christ,
Learning to put others first,
But one thing is always the same,
The foundation on which it stands:Jesus.
I never said I was a poet, and it is late, and I am tired, so give me a break. I give up for tonight, I have to be at work for 7 in the morning.I miss everyone.
Should someone rely on an animal to bring them happiness???
Alright...II am now at my peak...to add to the schedule, I will now be completing my English III class. Yes Deanna, this means that for the next six weeks, I will see you every Thursday for at least a few minutes. I also have gotten down to crunch time for studying for the ACT, and I hate my Business class...the woman is spastic, ADD or something. I have more important things to do with my time now...so I will leave you with the worst thing that is now on my plate...we got a dog.......
Monday, January 22, 2007
"I just can't wait to be freeeeeeeeeeee"
I am going to be incomprehensibly, overwhelmingly, massively, ridiculously, unenviably, fathomlessly, incognizably, alarmingly, fearfully, besettingly, horribly, and uncontrollably busy for the next three months, so don't expect too many posts.
Friday, January 19, 2007
This is dumb.
A. Available or Single? Single.
B. Best friend? Jesus.
C. Cake or pie? Pie - never meringue!!!
D. Drink of choice? Coffee
E. Essential item? Bed
F. Favorite color? Orange
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears, not the red ones
H. Hometown? Baker, La.
I. Indulgence? Wii
J. January or February? January, cause I can't spell the other one right
K. Kids and names? Don't really care but I would like a girl named "Albany" so I can call her "Al"
L. Life incomplete without? Relationships
M. Marriage date? Who cares?
N. Number of Siblings? 5 sisters
O. Oranges or Apples? Oranges
P. Phobias/fears? Death by sleep deprivation
Q. Favorite Quotation? I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens - which is an ever after quote by the way
R. Reason to smile? I have tomorrow evening off
S. Season? Fall
T. Tag three people: whoever
U. Unknown fact about me: I don't know if I ever wanna get married
V. Vegetable you hate: Spinaaach!
W. Worst habit? Over-scheduling myself
X. X-rays IÂve had: Like I keep count?
Y. Your favorite food? Coffee with ice
Z. Zodiac? The buffalo one I think...
This is what my blog looks like when turned into "art."
B. Best friend? Jesus.
C. Cake or pie? Pie - never meringue!!!
D. Drink of choice? Coffee
E. Essential item? Bed
F. Favorite color? Orange
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears, not the red ones
H. Hometown? Baker, La.
I. Indulgence? Wii
J. January or February? January, cause I can't spell the other one right
K. Kids and names? Don't really care but I would like a girl named "Albany" so I can call her "Al"
L. Life incomplete without? Relationships
M. Marriage date? Who cares?
N. Number of Siblings? 5 sisters
O. Oranges or Apples? Oranges
P. Phobias/fears? Death by sleep deprivation
Q. Favorite Quotation? I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens - which is an ever after quote by the way
R. Reason to smile? I have tomorrow evening off
S. Season? Fall
T. Tag three people: whoever
U. Unknown fact about me: I don't know if I ever wanna get married
V. Vegetable you hate: Spinaaach!
W. Worst habit? Over-scheduling myself
X. X-rays IÂve had: Like I keep count?
Y. Your favorite food? Coffee with ice
Z. Zodiac? The buffalo one I think...
This is what my blog looks like when turned into "art."
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I was just thinking...
If I could win any contest in the world, and they offered me an unending supply of something, I would choose fresh white socks, a pair for every day, and sometimes two pairs a day.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Don't even ask...
My play IS tomorrow, at 6:30pm, $3.00 at the door. Come early if you want to get a seat where you can hear without the stench of rotting carpet plaguing you nostrils the whole evening. It will last approx. 1-1 1/2 hours, everyone says it is funny, you won't hurt my feelings in the least bit if you don't come. I promise you. Have a good week.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Better late than never...
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Fifteen Favorite Places to Go. ... One. Gramma's House Two. The Park in Baker...I would not go by myself, but I have so so many memories there. Three. Open fields with wildflowers Four. Prayer closet Five. I don't know if this technically counts, but I enjoy zoning off sometimes, and just thinking about the people around me, and where they are headed, my mind wanders, and sometimes I just let it, to kinda get a different perspective on things. Six. My sisters house, any of them, just to be around them Seven. The beach, but only at sunrise, and maybe sunset...if there was someone else nearby... that I knew. Eight. House Church Nine. our old tree house Ten. Any where Mr Todd is telling a story. Eleven. My room Twelve. cabins, they are so cozy, and just warm feeling. Thirteen. Roller coaster rides Fourteen. trails...only with lots of people. Fifteen. SNOW where ever there is a good amount of snow, but not too much to where it is scary, but still lots of snow. |
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Thank you all for being my friend!!
My day has dramatically improved here in the last few hours. I find such great comfort in the counsel if my friends and elders. I was reminded only moments ago of how sweet it is to have relationships in the light. The people God has surrounded me with are here for me when I need it most.
Bob and Sharon: What you said Sunday night was great. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I have applied that advice to other areas of my life, but it didn't even occur to me to put it into practice here. I talked to my mom too.
Lauren: I love the way that God shows us similar things at the same time. I feel so privileged to get to grow in the Lord with you as my friend.
Deanna: You speak such truth, and are a constant reminder of how God can move and work. You spur me on to a deeper relationship with Him, and with others in the body of Christ. Thank you for the friend that you have been, and for the things you have done for me (i.e. going to the mall with me the day before Christmas eve, the roses, wii, tofu-less smoothes...)
Hol: Thank you for the joyful spirit that you bring to everything. Thank you for your setting the example in college, and thank you for being my friend. (Do you remember when we were accountability partners, those were interesting days. :)
Mrs. Michelle: I love your company so much, and I love watching movies with you when I get a chance. I greatly appreciate the wisdom that you impart, and the grace you speak it with.
Deb: I love you so much. You set an example for me in ways you may not even see. I enjoy your company so much, and fellowship that comes so easily when with you.
Amber: (If she even reads this) I still want to know who put the spoon in the bathroom. I love your company, and the comic relief that you provide. God just flows out of you, and it makes conversation great, not to mention insightful.
Jamie: In all your quirky-ness you prove to be true and earnest in seeking after Christ. I love that about you, you are so humble, yet so bold, a great addition to the body of Christ.
Mrs. Heather: You have such a sweet spirit, and I love to just sit and talk with you. You are so easy-going and peaceful that it makes it a joy to spend time with you.
BJ: Your faithfulness is nearly incomprehensible. You stand so strong in seemingly unending solitude ( if that is the right word, you get it). It is a privilege to walk in Christ with you.
Bekah: You are so sweet to me, the seemingly quintessential older sister. I can see God working in you, and it is so honoring.
There are so many other people who set such great examples of wisdom, steadfastness, long-suffering. I love every member of the body of Christ, and am so excited to have the privilege of spending the next year walking with them in Christ.
Bob and Sharon: What you said Sunday night was great. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I have applied that advice to other areas of my life, but it didn't even occur to me to put it into practice here. I talked to my mom too.
Lauren: I love the way that God shows us similar things at the same time. I feel so privileged to get to grow in the Lord with you as my friend.
Deanna: You speak such truth, and are a constant reminder of how God can move and work. You spur me on to a deeper relationship with Him, and with others in the body of Christ. Thank you for the friend that you have been, and for the things you have done for me (i.e. going to the mall with me the day before Christmas eve, the roses, wii, tofu-less smoothes...)
Hol: Thank you for the joyful spirit that you bring to everything. Thank you for your setting the example in college, and thank you for being my friend. (Do you remember when we were accountability partners, those were interesting days. :)
Mrs. Michelle: I love your company so much, and I love watching movies with you when I get a chance. I greatly appreciate the wisdom that you impart, and the grace you speak it with.
Deb: I love you so much. You set an example for me in ways you may not even see. I enjoy your company so much, and fellowship that comes so easily when with you.
Amber: (If she even reads this) I still want to know who put the spoon in the bathroom. I love your company, and the comic relief that you provide. God just flows out of you, and it makes conversation great, not to mention insightful.
Jamie: In all your quirky-ness you prove to be true and earnest in seeking after Christ. I love that about you, you are so humble, yet so bold, a great addition to the body of Christ.
Mrs. Heather: You have such a sweet spirit, and I love to just sit and talk with you. You are so easy-going and peaceful that it makes it a joy to spend time with you.
BJ: Your faithfulness is nearly incomprehensible. You stand so strong in seemingly unending solitude ( if that is the right word, you get it). It is a privilege to walk in Christ with you.
Bekah: You are so sweet to me, the seemingly quintessential older sister. I can see God working in you, and it is so honoring.
There are so many other people who set such great examples of wisdom, steadfastness, long-suffering. I love every member of the body of Christ, and am so excited to have the privilege of spending the next year walking with them in Christ.
Monday, January 8, 2007
I guess I speak differently than yall
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The West Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta. | |
The Midland | |
North Central | |
The South | |
Boston | |
The Inland North | |
Philadelphia | |
The Northeast | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Saturday, January 6, 2007
I am now the proud owner of a Wii. Thanks to Deb's tip on a seller. I am going to set it up in a minute, maybe... I need to get another wiimote. Not any time soon, I have spent enough money for the next month. YAY!!!
I love white socks, only below the ankle ones though, not ankle...BELOW the ankle socks. I love everything about them.
I love white socks, only below the ankle ones though, not ankle...BELOW the ankle socks. I love everything about them.
Friday, January 5, 2007
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Fifteen Favorite Movies ... 1. One. Anne of Green Gables...all three actually, especially the second one 2. Two. The Philadelphia Story 3. Three. Pride and Prejudice 4. Four. The Count of Monte Christo 5. Five. A Little Princess 6. Six. Our Mutual Friend 7. Seven. Little Women 8. Eight. Cinderella 9. Nine. Prancer, it is a Christmas movie, I watch it every year, I love it for some odd reason, even though I have way outgrown it, and I tell myself that, but I still love it. 10. Ten. Finding Nemo 11. Eleven. Aladdin 12. Twelve. The Chronicles of Narnia 13. Thirteen. I can't think of the name, the old movie where the girl gets run over by a car, but the guy finds her, and they still love each other, a clip from it is shown in sleep less in Seattle, but I can't think of the name. 14. Fourteen. National Treasure 15. Fifteen. Most Veggietales |
Baker Walmart didn't hold the wii for me, and we called every store within 50 miles of here to see if they had them, and noe yet, but Denham Walmart is saying to keep calling back. I really, really , really hope that they have one. I will inform you the moment I get one!!!!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Why is it called a Wii?
I was planning on saving up for an iPod this month, and buying it later on in Feb. However I think I would get more use from the new Wii. I played at a friends house last night, that thing is sooooooooo much fun. I actually beat her, meaning it is simple because I can count the number of times on one hand that I have picked up a controler for any video game. Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
Monday, January 1, 2007
Reflections...in no particular order.
A MAJOR event of my year was back in June, when I dont even know what happened except that God pulled a heap of religion out of me, leaving me with a new zeal for Him. This birthed things in me that changed the way I thought, and continue to think. A key point in this time was that I was baptized, with the revelation of the true meaning of baptism.
God is so faithful, and His timing is perfect. This was only about two weeks before we went to the Dominican Republic. That is when I realized how great it is to fellowship with those in the Light. I could have been no happier than to sit and listen and watch as relationships were formed with the two missionaries there, and the other Dominican people.
My relationships were somehow put in the hands of God, and that is when I began to see them grow in massive proportions, and some shrink until nothing was left.
I dont know where to put this...a friend of mine, umm...I had hopes that she would allow Jesus...she left, and it is disturbing to see what people would choose when they know ...umm...you get it...right? God did use this to teach me the basics of discretion...and what it means to find favor.
School...first it was hard making the decision whether or not to graduate this year or not, with the end result being that I am, it has made me see how young I am, and how very, very young I feel. The added pressure has, and is teaching me a lot about what I do with my time, thoughts, and even words. I have had such a great time sharing what I believe, and even giving reports (some of which I will not mention...that was crazy, and I never want to do it again) that I stumbled through all the way, but which had amazing outcome. My faith was greatly increased when I, for the first time that I know of, went through persecution for Christ's sake. It is a great feeling to have someone acknowledge that there is a difference between the Christ in me, and the "Christ"in every other student in the school.
My first job, Winn-Dixie...McDonalds, that transition was fun...yeah, I don't have a nice job in a doctors office, ect. I could really easily get a job in any doctors office, but I would not get a scholarship, which will be really nice when I start college, nor would I be able to work the hours that are suitable to my schooling, so for me, in the situation that I am in right now, it pays the little bills that I have, and leaves enough behind for me to save for college.
God is still working in me as far as my parents are concerned.
My sisters...a lot of people seem to forget that I have five of them. I am slowly loosing the title of annoying little sister, however I seem to be gaining (at least in a few of their eyes) the role of way too religious to be within 500 yards of me, not by my choice, but that of my parents, I would like to get to know my sisters, in a way that may open doors rather than close them...perhaps when I am older, and they realize that I have a mind of my own, and am not just following after mom and pop, then they will be willing to hear what comes out of my mouth, and some of them already see that, and I am grateful for the relationship that is being formed in that.
Friends...God has shown me soooooo much about relationship, and walking in the light. You don't know how grateful I am to have the relationships with you all. I am even now seeing a greater fondness for so many more people, and seeing the relationships blossom. I know I get busy, and don't see a lot of the people I care very dearly for, but I do think about you, and pray for you. Hopefully this next semester will not be quite so ...hectic.
Now for the present, here and now, God is breaking me. But it is a brokenness that I have never experienced before, and the humility is so different, there is such a peace in it all. I have been pouring through the psalms lately, and I found something in chapters 48 to 51. The way that they speak of the holiness, and righteousness of God is so amazing. The way it amplifies His character when talking of the foolish, then way David prays in 51 is so ...beautiful in a way that I cannot comprehend. That this man who has just defiled himself, he is so humble, and he prays with such fervency, but even when in the "pit of despair" he glorifies God with every word, to me it seems like he was not just praising God, but reminding himself of who God is, and what he knows to be true of his savior. He is removing himself from the place where he had lifted himself (an easy thing to do considering he was king) and placing God back where he deserved to be. That is the process leading to sanctification. That is truth, what he stated was facts. "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I SHALL BE whiter than snow' Then he asks to be able to hear joy and gladness, that the bones He had broken would rejoice. That is the joy in brokenness, a spirit that just wants to praise God, for He is Great, and greatly to be praised.
That is good enough for now, I don't feel like typing any more, Oh, I work today from 2-10, and Thursday 5 until closing, and Saturday 8-4 ( I think).
God is so faithful, and His timing is perfect. This was only about two weeks before we went to the Dominican Republic. That is when I realized how great it is to fellowship with those in the Light. I could have been no happier than to sit and listen and watch as relationships were formed with the two missionaries there, and the other Dominican people.
My relationships were somehow put in the hands of God, and that is when I began to see them grow in massive proportions, and some shrink until nothing was left.
I dont know where to put this...a friend of mine, umm...I had hopes that she would allow Jesus...she left, and it is disturbing to see what people would choose when they know ...umm...you get it...right? God did use this to teach me the basics of discretion...and what it means to find favor.
School...first it was hard making the decision whether or not to graduate this year or not, with the end result being that I am, it has made me see how young I am, and how very, very young I feel. The added pressure has, and is teaching me a lot about what I do with my time, thoughts, and even words. I have had such a great time sharing what I believe, and even giving reports (some of which I will not mention...that was crazy, and I never want to do it again) that I stumbled through all the way, but which had amazing outcome. My faith was greatly increased when I, for the first time that I know of, went through persecution for Christ's sake. It is a great feeling to have someone acknowledge that there is a difference between the Christ in me, and the "Christ"in every other student in the school.
My first job, Winn-Dixie...McDonalds, that transition was fun...yeah, I don't have a nice job in a doctors office, ect. I could really easily get a job in any doctors office, but I would not get a scholarship, which will be really nice when I start college, nor would I be able to work the hours that are suitable to my schooling, so for me, in the situation that I am in right now, it pays the little bills that I have, and leaves enough behind for me to save for college.
God is still working in me as far as my parents are concerned.
My sisters...a lot of people seem to forget that I have five of them. I am slowly loosing the title of annoying little sister, however I seem to be gaining (at least in a few of their eyes) the role of way too religious to be within 500 yards of me, not by my choice, but that of my parents, I would like to get to know my sisters, in a way that may open doors rather than close them...perhaps when I am older, and they realize that I have a mind of my own, and am not just following after mom and pop, then they will be willing to hear what comes out of my mouth, and some of them already see that, and I am grateful for the relationship that is being formed in that.
Friends...God has shown me soooooo much about relationship, and walking in the light. You don't know how grateful I am to have the relationships with you all. I am even now seeing a greater fondness for so many more people, and seeing the relationships blossom. I know I get busy, and don't see a lot of the people I care very dearly for, but I do think about you, and pray for you. Hopefully this next semester will not be quite so ...hectic.
Now for the present, here and now, God is breaking me. But it is a brokenness that I have never experienced before, and the humility is so different, there is such a peace in it all. I have been pouring through the psalms lately, and I found something in chapters 48 to 51. The way that they speak of the holiness, and righteousness of God is so amazing. The way it amplifies His character when talking of the foolish, then way David prays in 51 is so ...beautiful in a way that I cannot comprehend. That this man who has just defiled himself, he is so humble, and he prays with such fervency, but even when in the "pit of despair" he glorifies God with every word, to me it seems like he was not just praising God, but reminding himself of who God is, and what he knows to be true of his savior. He is removing himself from the place where he had lifted himself (an easy thing to do considering he was king) and placing God back where he deserved to be. That is the process leading to sanctification. That is truth, what he stated was facts. "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I SHALL BE whiter than snow' Then he asks to be able to hear joy and gladness, that the bones He had broken would rejoice. That is the joy in brokenness, a spirit that just wants to praise God, for He is Great, and greatly to be praised.
That is good enough for now, I don't feel like typing any more, Oh, I work today from 2-10, and Thursday 5 until closing, and Saturday 8-4 ( I think).
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