BJ's blog- My razzing (razz- harass with persistent criticism or carping) compatriot (fellow Americain)
Bekah's Blog-My saccharine (Having a cloyingly sweet attitude, tone, or character: a saccharine smile. Excessively sentimental) biological relative (sister)
Lauren's Blog- My perspicacious(having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning)propinquity (nearness of relation; kinship)
Jamie's Blog- My jocose (given to or characterized by joking; jesting; humorous; playful, witty, funny) goombah ( A companion or associate, especially an older friend who acts as a patron, protector, or adviser)
Jacob's Blog- My compatriots consanguity (relationship by descent from a common ancestor; kinship)
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." john 15:4-5
Friday, September 29, 2006
Cereal and milk...
I got my shoes, and my shirt, I like the shoes, but they don't look like Bobs, I like Bobs. But they are still shoes, and are still black, and they will still protect my feet. I get off of work at 10:00 tonight, I think, I'm not too good with military time. We could maybe do something, if anyone is up for it. If not, I know Lauren and Bekah and Jordan have some planning to do.
October 21, LSU is having an open house, and I get bonus points for going, intwo of my classes. It is ascience thing, and you go to the Mary Bird Perkins center, and some other Lab. It's free, and you need only a ride there, and back, they bus you everywhere else. I don't want to go by my self. Please someone volunteer to come with me...PLEASE. and not someone who thinks it is borring, but if no one else will than you could come. But it sounds like fun, It is from 9:30-2:00.
October 21, LSU is having an open house, and I get bonus points for going, intwo of my classes. It is ascience thing, and you go to the Mary Bird Perkins center, and some other Lab. It's free, and you need only a ride there, and back, they bus you everywhere else. I don't want to go by my self. Please someone volunteer to come with me...PLEASE. and not someone who thinks it is borring, but if no one else will than you could come. But it sounds like fun, It is from 9:30-2:00.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I was tired.
I went to bed at 3:15pm yesterday. Only one person called and woke me up. I did the whole, fake awake thing, then went right back to bed, and slept until 6:30am today. Thats all I have to say.
Oh, my shirt came in, but my shoes did not, so I e-mailed them today.
Oh, my shirt came in, but my shoes did not, so I e-mailed them today.
I hate car problems.
So I am driving to school this morning, and I look in the rearview mirror, and am like, wow, my car puts out alot of smoke from the tailpipe, then when I stop at the stop sign, I am like, wow, my car is putting out alot of smoke from the hood. When I looked at the hot/cold thing it was normal. So I keep driving, then when turning into the school,the thingy goes al the way to hot,and it dies, and I coast to the nearest parking spot. I call Pop, he said he would come fix it at lunch. When I go to leave, everything looks normal, the hot cold thing too, so I go to drive home. In the middle of notrh Joor it dies, shoots to hot and dies. I forgot my cell phone today. A nice lady stops and lets me use her phone, and pop came and we towed it to the day.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Northeast is dumb. I have no school pride.
So, my art teacher won,t be back for like half of the year. Me, not wanting to do dumb busy work for an hour, want to drop the class, I don't need the credit, and it would hardly improve my GPA, not to mention I don't like the rules we had to abide by when she was there. My hand starts to hurt when I have to make a color pencil look like paint.
Well, I tried to drop the class, and they won,t let me. My mom is going to call the school board to see if there is a way around it. I took the class for a fun class, and it is my least favorite class.
Drama: So we are picking the fall performance play this week. And my teacher wants to cast me as Gwendoline ( main). The memorizing the lines is fine, making out with not only one guy, but 3 is too much. I am not even going to fake it, too close for comfort. Hopefully we can talk her into one of the other 2 plays, where I could be a business woman who dreamed of broadway ( Fun, I would get to burst out into shekespeare randomly) or a realestate woman / ghost, or the woman who drves the ghosts out via whichcraft.
My day was interesting, but I am good now that I am home, and not at the dumbest school in the parish, literally.
Well, I tried to drop the class, and they won,t let me. My mom is going to call the school board to see if there is a way around it. I took the class for a fun class, and it is my least favorite class.
Drama: So we are picking the fall performance play this week. And my teacher wants to cast me as Gwendoline ( main). The memorizing the lines is fine, making out with not only one guy, but 3 is too much. I am not even going to fake it, too close for comfort. Hopefully we can talk her into one of the other 2 plays, where I could be a business woman who dreamed of broadway ( Fun, I would get to burst out into shekespeare randomly) or a realestate woman / ghost, or the woman who drves the ghosts out via whichcraft.
My day was interesting, but I am good now that I am home, and not at the dumbest school in the parish, literally.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Problem solved.
Turns out it was just a tube of lipstick that was keeping the seat from moving, and i was trying to lift up on the liscence plate cubby, not the trunk lid, so it is all good now.
Monday, September 25, 2006
My car...
So, we got the license today, but the trunk won't open, nor the passenger seat fully fold, at least not enough for someone to get in the back seat, not that they would want to because the seat does not scoot forward except for about 1 and 1/2 inch, so if you were to try and sit in the back you would need to be about 4 feet tall with red hair. Pop is gonna try and fix it, but that is what they get for not thouroughly looking the car over. Well, I have home work. (by the way, thanks Bob, that book helped ALOT!!!)
Saturday, September 23, 2006
The world of McDonalds...
SO I had to stay late today, I was cleaning, I can now do front counter though, I am not good at filling the orders. I made apple pies again today, but this time I put the correct military time (rather than 4 am as I did the other day.), but only after putting the current time first, so I had to go back and mark them again. I got slippers, they look like really puffy chucks (Bekah talked me into them). We are about to have prayer, so I must go. I won't post for a few days, because I will be working, or doing homework.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Vans | Authentic
Vans | Authentic: "
Ok, I could not get a picture, only a link, if you click on it the page with my shoes will come up. It is the first one on the color selection thing. Black and white.
Ok, I could not get a picture, only a link, if you click on it the page with my shoes will come up. It is the first one on the color selection thing. Black and white.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I was reading last night, and this morning, and I found a really awesome verse in James.
Qualities Needed in Trials
19 *So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Doers--Not Hearers Only
21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
26 If anyone *among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
Well, as I was reading it, I had to question myself, and see if that was me, and in ways it was. I also thought that is was very interesting that it referenced Matthew 7 (he who builds his house on a rock), so I looked it up, and it said," He who hears my word, AND DOES IT, is likened to a man who builds his house on a rock." I never saw that before. It also referenced the verse in Luke 6, the verse where Jesus says, "But why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and do not do the things in which I say? Whoever comes to me, and hears my sayings and DOES them, I will show you whom he is like:" and He goes on to talk about the man who dug deep to lay his foundation. That made me think, what am I DOING that is digging, and I just lazily pawing at the sand, dirt, clay in my foundation, or am I taking a shovel and really getting it out so that when God comes to lay the foundation, I don't have to question whether or not is on the rock, or is there still a layer of dirt that I did not search for, and pray that God show me, and remove it from me.
The more that I read it, the more I see how it is talking about a humble person, who accepts His word with meekness. it says The PURE and UNDEFILED religion is the opposite of an unbridled tongue, and a deceived heart. And that we are to be unspotted by the world. It made me think, and pray that God show me my heart, and let me not deceive myself, and to show me where I am spotted by the world.
Ok, the bell is about to ring.
19 *So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Doers--Not Hearers Only
21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
26 If anyone *among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
Well, as I was reading it, I had to question myself, and see if that was me, and in ways it was. I also thought that is was very interesting that it referenced Matthew 7 (he who builds his house on a rock), so I looked it up, and it said," He who hears my word, AND DOES IT, is likened to a man who builds his house on a rock." I never saw that before. It also referenced the verse in Luke 6, the verse where Jesus says, "But why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and do not do the things in which I say? Whoever comes to me, and hears my sayings and DOES them, I will show you whom he is like:" and He goes on to talk about the man who dug deep to lay his foundation. That made me think, what am I DOING that is digging, and I just lazily pawing at the sand, dirt, clay in my foundation, or am I taking a shovel and really getting it out so that when God comes to lay the foundation, I don't have to question whether or not is on the rock, or is there still a layer of dirt that I did not search for, and pray that God show me, and remove it from me.
The more that I read it, the more I see how it is talking about a humble person, who accepts His word with meekness. it says The PURE and UNDEFILED religion is the opposite of an unbridled tongue, and a deceived heart. And that we are to be unspotted by the world. It made me think, and pray that God show me my heart, and let me not deceive myself, and to show me where I am spotted by the world.
Ok, the bell is about to ring.
Monday, September 18, 2006
What were these kids thinking????
I get to work, and am told to clean the lobby. So for a hour I wipe, sweep, and mop every surface not behind the counter at McDonald's. Then 20 minutes later I go back out to find that a group of teenagers found pleasure by standing on the bench and stepping on a package of ketchup just to watch it explode all over the wall. So I get a rag and begin cleaning...Again. I doubt that you know that McDonald's walls are leaves, yup, leaves with tons of grooves for ketchup to stuck in.
Then Mr. Cup of Caramel came back today, and once again I was on fries ALL DAY LONG... but then I got off early!!
Oh yeah, when on break I came home and ordered these:
It won't show up, but you will see them in 8-10 business days.
I may conform once I get my next pay check and get an iPod, and I will be able to drive our new car by Friday hopefully, whenever we get the license and title.
Then Mr. Cup of Caramel came back today, and once again I was on fries ALL DAY LONG... but then I got off early!!
Oh yeah, when on break I came home and ordered these:
It won't show up, but you will see them in 8-10 business days.
I may conform once I get my next pay check and get an iPod, and I will be able to drive our new car by Friday hopefully, whenever we get the license and title.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
My Day...
Don't come to McDonalds for like 2 months Bj, that way I will have time to get the order taking process down pat for people like you, and those who prolly talk fast, and get frustrated when they talk fast and I get it wrong, and I have to fix it.
And I don't like any of the food we serve, not a one thing. Maybe the ice cream cone, but now I am sick of it.
And I got put on asembly today, that was interesting, imagine: me make a burger in like 5 seconds, thats never gonna happen. It is supposed to be neat is it not, so why not try to put the mustard and katsup in the middle. I also realized that I HATE tarter sauce, mayonaise, and onions, but I like putting the mayo, tarter, and sipcy chicken sauce on the buns, it is in a tube like caulk, and that is one of my favorite things to do.
And when I make McFlurries I sling ice cream everywhere, and when I make ice cream cone, the look like Buddha sitting on a cone.
And I also burned myself while making grits, I had gotten through the whole process w/o burning anything, then when I was pouring them into the serving container, a drop fell on my wrist / thumb/I don't know what part of my hand. Then directly after that I burned my inner elbow/??? with the biscut pan. So every time I put my hand in the oven mit, it made the burn all hot, and hurt.
And then I washed dishes for like 2 hours, then I nearly fell and broke my neck when I was put on grill, and there was a puddle, and I stepped right in it. My bottom was an inch from tha floor when I caught myself, just in time for no one to see me.
The grossest things I have seen since working @ McDonalds:
1) When we cook meat we scrape the grill, and we have to push it to the side and into a little catching thing, well, that means eggs, chicken, and meat scrappings all get pushed to the side and mixed with all the grease, that comes with it. So you have a bucket of black gooky mess that is added to every day, and just sits in the back.
2) I saw an egg under the dish drying cart, It had been there a LONG, LONG time.
3) A man asked for a sundae cup full of caramel.(gross!!)
4) The stuff they put in a breakfast burrito.( frozen scrambled eggs,(really nasty), frozen bell peppers, and a nasty thing that stinks
A perk to working there, is that when there is something under my nails, all I have to do is wallk to the sink and use its pressure washer like sprayer to clean it out.
And I don't like any of the food we serve, not a one thing. Maybe the ice cream cone, but now I am sick of it.
And I got put on asembly today, that was interesting, imagine: me make a burger in like 5 seconds, thats never gonna happen. It is supposed to be neat is it not, so why not try to put the mustard and katsup in the middle. I also realized that I HATE tarter sauce, mayonaise, and onions, but I like putting the mayo, tarter, and sipcy chicken sauce on the buns, it is in a tube like caulk, and that is one of my favorite things to do.
And when I make McFlurries I sling ice cream everywhere, and when I make ice cream cone, the look like Buddha sitting on a cone.
And I also burned myself while making grits, I had gotten through the whole process w/o burning anything, then when I was pouring them into the serving container, a drop fell on my wrist / thumb/I don't know what part of my hand. Then directly after that I burned my inner elbow/??? with the biscut pan. So every time I put my hand in the oven mit, it made the burn all hot, and hurt.
And then I washed dishes for like 2 hours, then I nearly fell and broke my neck when I was put on grill, and there was a puddle, and I stepped right in it. My bottom was an inch from tha floor when I caught myself, just in time for no one to see me.
The grossest things I have seen since working @ McDonalds:
1) When we cook meat we scrape the grill, and we have to push it to the side and into a little catching thing, well, that means eggs, chicken, and meat scrappings all get pushed to the side and mixed with all the grease, that comes with it. So you have a bucket of black gooky mess that is added to every day, and just sits in the back.
2) I saw an egg under the dish drying cart, It had been there a LONG, LONG time.
3) A man asked for a sundae cup full of caramel.(gross!!)
4) The stuff they put in a breakfast burrito.( frozen scrambled eggs,(really nasty), frozen bell peppers, and a nasty thing that stinks
A perk to working there, is that when there is something under my nails, all I have to do is wallk to the sink and use its pressure washer like sprayer to clean it out.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Confucious says: Drive thru is really hard.
I was put on back windo for like 2 hours tonight, and why can't people just get what they order, w/o changing everything. I can't hit the buttons fast enough, nor take money and an order at the same time, then it never stops, people always come, then when it does stop, it is like a desert, with tumbleweed rollin' down the drive thru lane. And to make it worse I had the "Llama, llama, duck" song stuck in my head, but I kept singing "Llama, llama, cheescake" for some reason.
I was put on back windo for like 2 hours tonight, and why can't people just get what they order, w/o changing everything. I can't hit the buttons fast enough, nor take money and an order at the same time, then it never stops, people always come, then when it does stop, it is like a desert, with tumbleweed rollin' down the drive thru lane. And to make it worse I had the "Llama, llama, duck" song stuck in my head, but I kept singing "Llama, llama, cheescake" for some reason.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Ummm...BJ, the font is miniscule. I don't know how people will read it without straining their eyes. You will have to fix it.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I am too tired to think.
So, I need to make up those tests, and I got Bekah to help me study for spelling ( not smart because she just laughed at me when I misspelled words), but I think I got it.. I also went to Walmart to get a notebook for my Psych. class, and I wanted a college ruled one, but I didn't look, and I bought a wide rulled one. I hate it, but I don't feel like returning it and getting another one, so I just went ahead and did my work in it. I don't get part of Chemistry, something to do with relative abundance...relative mass... and atomic mass??? I don't know what it is.
Go dis doing SOOOOOOOOO So much in me right now, I am seemingly on overload, and I miss home church, and I miss Kandi, and I miss every part of the body that I haven't seen in a few weeks, months, and seems like a year. AHHHH.. I am tounge tied( finger tied, whatever) I just know that God is moving in Baton Rouge like we have NEVER seen before, and His wave is soon going to come crashing in, and we must be strong enough in the Lord to not be dragged away by the current. Stand strong my fellow brethren, I am praying for you!!!
Go dis doing SOOOOOOOOO So much in me right now, I am seemingly on overload, and I miss home church, and I miss Kandi, and I miss every part of the body that I haven't seen in a few weeks, months, and seems like a year. AHHHH.. I am tounge tied( finger tied, whatever) I just know that God is moving in Baton Rouge like we have NEVER seen before, and His wave is soon going to come crashing in, and we must be strong enough in the Lord to not be dragged away by the current. Stand strong my fellow brethren, I am praying for you!!!
Thursday, September 7, 2006
We took school ID pictures tuesday, and I think this is my worst one yet. I dont really care, but it is fun to see how I have changed in the
I went to bed at 6:00pm yesterday, and slept late, until 5:45am this morning. I am so tired now, I prolly won't do well on my tests if I don't go to
sleep now. I have to make some notecards really quick first. I go to work for the first time tomorrow. I don't want to, I have to miss our prayer meeting. Darn McDonalds. I am going to be so lonely, no one I like ever goes to McDonalds. Maybe, kids in our congregation go sometimes. I prolly have to work Sunday nights too. Oh well, I can't complain. I have my first Psych test tomorrow, and my first Physics test, and a spelling test (I-B-U-P-R-O-F-E-N.) Mrs. Michelle told me to write the words 5 times each, but I don't have time. I need to go study, see yall this weekend.
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Just for Holly...



So, Bekah wants Oreos, and thanks to Holly, I want to test the power of the tower. Sadly enough we couldn't even make a tower with even two rows of cookies. I think the people on TV cheated, there are way too many variables, for example: 1. the cream may be thicker on one side than on the other, 2. there may be a hairline crack in one side of the cookie which causes them to tilt to one side, 3. The cookie may have crumbles which makes it slippery and more succeptable to sliding. All of these things were not taken into account when Bekah and I purchased the Oreo's. So, now they are sitting on my floor in the package getting soft due to moisture in the air. Dumb Oreo's. * Jordan with a look of disgust in remembrance/ failure of the Oreo tower.*
Monday, September 4, 2006
My patheticness
Look how cool. This is like less than an hour away, I seriously doubt that I could get myself there without a very good map though. I have realized how pathetic I am when it comes to directions. It is to the point where I need to ask my parents how to get anywhere eccept for in central, and a few places therein. But, I hope I start to catch on soon, because it is no longer funny, I can literally go nowhere without very distinct directions. I still only know partially how to get to Rave, never could I get to either mall, nor Bekahs work, not the State capitol, fortunately I can get to hancock Fabrics . But you see how limited I am as far as going ANYWHERE.
But I do like the sign, I just don't know what to do with the picture, there are three, but it only takes one to show you, I thought about putting it in black and white, and framing it for my room.
But I do like the sign, I just don't know what to do with the picture, there are three, but it only takes one to show you, I thought about putting it in black and white, and framing it for my room.

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